Beach: Magdalena


Located beside the Peninsula of Magdalena. Normally there are some boats anchored at the shore. The swimming area is closed off by buoys. In the water there are several rafts; platforms that young people swim to and then lie down and sunbathe. There is a sailing school with an open-air drinks stall dividing this beach from the next one. You can rent Optimists to learn how to sail.

Beach: Magdalena

Покрытие: sand

Тип песка: golden

Условия купания: calm waters

Длина: 900 m

Ширина: 30 m

Степень заполненности: high

Близость к населенному пункту: urban

Спортивный порт: santander - puerto chico

Расстояние до пляжа: 1 km

Как добраться: On foot easy,Car

Ближайшее шоссе: s-20

Sun lounger rental, water craft rental, toilets, yacht club, showers, footwash, litter bin, cleaning service, telephone, sports area, children's play area

Максимальная температура: 16º Температурное ощущение: прохладно Ветер: умеренный Волны: слабое Температура воды: 14º
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