Beach: La Concha
La Concha has all types of facilities and services. There are very pretty buildings such as the Casino. From the promenade there are pretty views towards the Mateleñas golf club and all Sardinero buildings. One of the few beaches in the area where you can hire loungers and sunshades. Along the walkway there are numerous large restaurants, as well as several hotels.
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Beach: La Concha
Покрытие: sand
Тип песка: golden
Условия купания: moderate waves
Длина: 250 m
Ширина: 20 m
Степень заполненности: high
Близость к населенному пункту: urban
Спортивный порт: santander - puerto chico
Расстояние до пляжа: 2 km
Как добраться: On foot easy,Car
Ближайшее шоссе: s-20
Sunshade rental, toilets, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service, telephone, sports area
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