Beach: La Concha
The curved bay of La Concha offers a calm sea suitable for all the family, as well as swings, slides, deckchairs, and sunshades. La Concha beach is fully accessible and is also a centre for games and other activities, perfect for enjoying until the early evening, or even for a night-time walk to see the stars.
Beach: La Concha
Покрытие: sand
Тип песка: golden
Условия купания: calm waters
Длина: 850 m
Ширина: 60 m
Степень заполненности: high
Близость к населенному пункту: urban
Спортивный порт: oropesa marina
Расстояние до пляжа: 0,5 km.
Как добраться: Car
Ближайшее шоссе: n-340
Sunshade rental, sun lounger rental, water craft rental, toilets, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service, telephone, sports area, children's play area
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