Соборная церковь Санта-Мария-ла-Майор (Торо)

Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor (Toro)


A mix of Romanesque and Gothic styles.

The church was built in the 12th-13th centuries. Its combination of Romanesque and Gothic styles makes it especially attractive.

The Collegiate church was begun in 1160, during the reign of Alfonso VIII, but would not be completed until the late 13th century. It has three naves, with a magnificent lantern over the crossing. The northern door is also notable, with sculptures of the Ancients of the Apocalypse in one of the archivolts. The western door, also known as the Door of Majesty, has an unusual, richly decorated polychromed Gothic portico. The combination of Romanesque and Gothic styles makes the church especially attractive.

Collegiate Church of Santa María la Mayor (Toro)

Plaza de la Colegiata, s/n.

49800  Toro, Zamora  (Castilla y Leon)

Е-mail:turismo@toroayto.es Тел.:+34 980690388 Тел.:+34 980694747 Веб-сайт:www.turismotoro.com Веб-сайт:www.torosacro.com
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