Beach: Punta Umbría


This broad urban beach has the largest offer of services in this part of Huelva. A former British spa, it is family-friendly and has a range of amenities including beach bars and water sports options like windsurfing. It is easy to access, and has various parking areas.

Beach: Punta Umbría

構成成分: sand

砂の種類: golden

海水浴のコンディション: moderate waves

長さ: 3800 m

幅: 50 m

混雑具合: high

都市化の度合い: urban

アクセス手段: On foot easy

付近の道路: a-497 huelva - punta umbría

Sunshade rental, water craft rental, toilets, yacht club, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service, telephone, sports area

最高気温: 15º 体感温度: とても涼しい 風: 中程度 うねり: 強い 水温: 17º