Beach: Oyambre



This is a broad beach with a bay-like shape, in the beautiful setting of the Rabia inlet. The La Rabia Estuary opens out at one end of the beach. It is very well equipped, with restaurants, ice cream parlours, and there is also a golf course alongside. It is surrounded by mountains, and is located within the Oyambre Nature Reserve, which has a bird watching observatory close to the village of La Rabia.

Beach: Oyambre

構成成分: sand

砂の種類: golden

海水浴のコンディション: moderate waves, windy

長さ: 1800 m

幅: 40 m

都市化の度合い: isolated

ヨットハーバー: suances

ビーチへの距離: 22 km

アクセス手段: Car

付近の道路: ca-131

Toilets, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service

最高気温: 17º 体感温度: 涼しい 風: 緩やか うねり: 弱い 水温: 13º