Beach: Ondarreta


It is situated in the bay of the well-known beach of La Concha. The island of Santa Clara is situated opposite the beach of Ondarreta. The water is quiet and it is perfect for practising beach sports, especially body-boarding. It has al the necessary services. Near the beach there is a pool and a yacht club for children. The accesses have been adapted for the handicapped.

Beach: Ondarreta

構成成分: sand

砂の種類: golden

海水浴のコンディション: moderate waves

長さ: 600 m

幅: 100 m

混雑具合: high

都市化の度合い: urban

ヨットハーバー: puerto deportivo de san sebastián

ビーチへの距離: 2 km.

アクセス手段: On foot easy,Car

付近の道路: avda. satrústegui

Sunshade rental, sun lounger rental, water craft rental, toilets, showers, footwash, tourist office, litter bin, cleaning service, telephone, sports area, children's play area

最高気温: 18º 体感温度: 涼しい 風: 緩やか うねり: 弱い 水温: 13º
