
Language. How do you say...?


This list of words will help you when travelling to find an address, get to your hotel, go to a restaurant or visit a museum. You can see them translated into English here, but you can look up other languages using the website language selector.

  • - Hola = Hello

    - Hasta luego = Bye

    - Sí = Yes

    - No = No

    - Gracias = Thank you

    - Por favor = Please

    - Ayuda = Help

    - Calle = Street

    - Dirección = Address

    - Mapa / Plano = Map / Street plan

    - Reserva = Booking / Reservation

    - Cuenta = Account

    - Taxi = Taxi

    - Tren = Train

    - Autobús = Bus

    - Estación de autobuses / estación de trenes = Bus station / Railway station

    - Aeropuerto = Airport

    - Hospital = Hospital

    - Emergencia = Emergency

    - Restaurante = Restaurant

    - Menú = Set meal

    - Carta = Menu

    - Alérgico = Allergic

    - Vegetariano = Vegetarian

    - Bebida = Drink

    - Museo = Museum

    - Horarios / Hora = Opening hours / Time

    - Precio = Price

    - Entrada = Ticket

    - Comprar = Buy

    - Efectivo = Cash

    - Tarjeta de crédito = Credit card