Isla Pancha. Ribadeo. Lugo

Lugo (Province)


Located in northern Spain, in the north of the region of Galicia. Its capital is the city of Lugo, whose Roman wall has been awarded the World Heritage designation by the UNESCO.

The province is home to strongly contrasting landscapes, and has both mountain areas and a coastline with wonderful beaches like Las Catedrales.

The interior is the site of the Terra do Miño Biosphere Reserve and part of the Río Eo, Osco y Terra de Burón and Ancares nature reserves. The province is also on the Way of Saint James, which passes several interesting monasteries and Romanesque churches on its route through the area. The gastronomy of Lugo is particularly well-known for its shellfish, and for dishes such as octopus with pimentón (ground red pepper) and olive oil, and gammon with turnip greens.

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