Scrambled eggs with St.George's mushrooms

Basque Country

Basque Country
  • Ingredients

    Ingredients for 4 people: 8 eggs 1/2 kg of St.George's mushrooms 1 clove of garlic virgin olive oil salt

  • Preparation

    Clean the mushrooms carefully with a cloth and break into chunks with your hands. Heat the oil in a pan and when it is hot, add the mushrooms for 5 or 6 minutes. At the same time, put the eggs in a bowl, add salt and beat thoroughly. When the mushrooms are ready, add the beaten eggs to the pan and stir continuously with a wooden spoon. Stir the mushrooms for a few minutes.The flame should be kept at medium and care should be taken not to let the scrambled eggs go dry.

  • Presentation

    The scrambled eggs can also be prepared with field mushrooms and 'guibelurdiñas' wild mushrooms, as well as with other species. They can also be cooked with snails.

Category: First course

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Price: Medium-high

Season: Spring-Summer

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