Mushroom tart


  • Ingredients

    Ingredients for 4 people: 200 gm of flour 50 gm of butter 1 egg Salt Filling: 500 gm of wild mushrooms 3 eggs 1 glass of milk Pepper Salt

  • Preparation

    Wash and chop the wild mushrooms. Make the dough with the flour, butter, egg and salt, then roll out with a rolling pin and allow to stand.Grease a round tin with butter and place the mixture inside. Put in a pre-heated oven on a medium heat for 10 minutes. Beat the eggs with a little milk and season. Remove the tart from the oven, cut in half and fill with the wild mushrooms. Fill the rest of the tin with the beaten eggs, and place in the oven until they set.

  • Presentation

    Serve hot.

Category: First course

Cooking time: 2 hours

Price: Average

Season: Autumn-Winter

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