Castilian pickle

Castilla y Leon

Castilla y Leon
  • Ingredients

    Ingredients for 4 people: ½kg of fish, poultry or game 2 onions 4 cloves of garlic 8 gherkins in vinegar 6 black peppercorns oregano 1 sprig of thyme ¾l of olive oil ¼l of wine vinegar salt

  • Preparation

    Wash and salt the fish, poultry or game and divide into four pieces. Put the pieces in a casserole dish, cover with the onions cut into layers, the cloves of garlic and the spices mashed with the oil and vinegar. Simmer on a gentle heat for half an hour, if it is small game, and a quarter of an hour if it is a big fish. Allow to cool naturally.

  • Presentation

    If you are not going to eat it straightaway, leave the pickle covered in a ceramic or glass container. Serve accompanied with the onion and the gherkins, with a watercress or endive salad as a garnish.

Category: Second course

Cooking time: 15-30 minutes

Price: Average

Season: All year round

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