Red wine compote

La Rioja
Ingredients for 6 people: 200g of dried peaches 200g of prunes Peel of 1 orange 200g of dried figs 200g of apples Peel of 1 lemon ¾l red wine 1 cinnamon stick 150g of sugar 200g of pear 1l of water
Put the wine and sugar in a saucepan and, when it begins to boil, set fire to it to burn off the alcohol. When the flame goes out, add the water, the pieces of orange and lemon peel, the cinnamon stick and the dried peaches. Everything has to boil for 15 minutes. After this time, add the prunes, the figs and the pears, without pips and cut into large pieces, and leave them on the heat for 10 more minutes. Then add the apples, also cut into large pieces, and allow to cook for 3 minutes. Then remove from the heat.
Allow to cool before serving.
Category: Dessert
Cooking time: 4 minutes
Season: Autumn-Winter
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