Festivals in Spain in January
During the first days of the new year it’s time for one of the most emblematic Christmas celebrations in Spain: the Procession of the Three Kings. Every 5 January, the streets are packed with excited children waiting to see the three wise men from the East, Kings - Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar - loaded with presents. This is an especially important event in some places, such as Alcoy, for example, the scene of the oldest Procession of the Three Kings in all of Spain, and in Santillana del Mar and Sangüesa where autos sacramentales are staged (these are plays, rather like English Morality Plays). In January you can also enjoy other unusual celebrations such as the of "La Vijanera” festivities in Silió, a sort of carnivalesque event to attract good luck for the coming year. The middle of the month is a great time for sport lovers who have the chance to participate in the international urban race, the “Noche de San Antón”, which is organised during the festival of Las Lumbres (the ‘Flames of San Antón’) Here you can see some of the festivals that usually take place in Spain in January.
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