University of Sancti Spiritus


Is construction was due to the patronage of Bishop D. Rodrigo Mercado de Zuloaga. Work begin in 1540, and the project was carried out by Domingo de Carrera, Pierres Picart and Gibaja. The building has a rectangular plan, with an inner courtyard, chapel and large rooms.It has two floors.The main facade is made up of three sections, the central one of Gothic origin, flanked by two large towers at the far ends.The main front spreads out in three superimposed plans, the most noteworthy of which is the second where the statue of Bishop Don Rodrigo in prayer stands.The cloister is inside with two floors of semicircular arches decorated with medallions representing the famous personalities of the period.The chapel of the University is crowned with an ogive vault.Classes have not been given in the University since 1901.

University of Sancti Spiritus

Avenida de la Universidad, 8

20560  Oñati, Gipuzkoa  (Basque Country) Tel.:+34 943783453 Website:http://www.oñ
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