Tito Bustillo Rock Art Centre. Ribadesella. Asturias

Tito Bustillo Cave Painting Centre


All about the discovery of this cave in Asturias, its geological value, its ancient inhabitants and its cave art.

The centre has a permanent exhibition with one of the most important cave art sets of Paleolithic Art. It also has various workshops so that visitors can learn about rock art in an educational and fun way.The entrance to the Tito Bustillo Cave Art Centre gives access to La Cuevona de Ardines cave, which is only 300 metres away: An immense geological dome included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Next to it is also the Tito Bustillo cave, where the paintings studied in the museum can be found. Another ticket is required to visit the cave.

Tito Bustillo Cave Painting Centre

Avenida de Tito Bustillo, 14

33560  Ribadesella, Asturias  (Principality of Asturias)

Email:info@centrotitobustillo.com Tel.:+34 985 185 860 Tel.:+34 902 306 600 Website:http://www.centrotitobustillo.com/
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