Casa de los Tiros Museum
To get to know Granada
The museum is set in the Casa de los Tiros, a 16th-century Renaissance building - special mention should be made of its façade, with icons representing Trojan heroes.
Inaugurated in 1929, here you can see paintings from the 17th-19th centuries, Baroque sculpture from Granada, Fajalauza ceramics, traditional textiles and a collection of 19th century furniture. The collection includes outstanding drawings, watercolours, engravings, lithographs, and a collection of photographs of the city and its monuments. The museum also has a newspaper archive and a library specialising in Granada-related subjects, where visitors will find documents by Baltasar Martínez Durán, Francisco de Paula-Valladar Serrano and Antonio Gallego Burín, amongst others. The most interesting rooms in the museum are the one dedicated to romantic travellers, focusing on the figure of Washington Irving; the industrial arts room; and the one on the world of gypsies. The main room is known as the Golden Room. Its ceiling has very beautiful polychromatic decoration. This house belonged to the Granada Venegas family. Its outward appearance is of a fortress. The square towers are topped with battlements.
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Casa de los Tiros Museum
Calle Pavaneras, 19
18009 Granada (Andalusia)
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