Escorial-María Cristina Royal University


Private university that joined forces with the Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial.

It was founded towards the end of the nineteenth century. It is a private university that joined forces with the Monastery of San Lorenzo of El Escorial.

The 'Escorial-María Cristina' Royal University College was founded in the late 19th century by the Regent Queen María Cristina of Hapsburg. Today it is a private Catholic centre for university studies. It is located in front of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, completely integrated into the architectural surroundings. Of note are the cloister, the High School, the library and 'Los Laureles' courtyard.

Escorial-María Cristina Royal University

Paseo de los Alamillos, 2

28200  San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid  (Madrid Region) Tel.:+34 918904545
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