Puerta de Alfonso VI gate
Also known as the Puerta Vieja de Bisagra (old Bisagra gate).
These are the only surviving remains of the Arab wall.
The Puerta de Alfonso VI gate is the only surviving part of the Arab wall. It was once the main entrance to the city and dates from the 9th century, during Muslim times. The structure of the front is conserved practically in its original state, as when the new Puerta de Bisagra gate was opened in the time of Charles V, it remained bricked up for many years. On the façade there are three horseshoe arches, and the central arch –which is higher than the side arches– contains another horseshoe arch with a lintel. The side arches are pointed. It is also known by the name Puerta Vieja de Bisagra, or 'old Bisagra gate'.
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Puerta de Alfonso VI gate
Calle Alfonso VI s/n
45003 Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha)
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