Ducal Palace of Pastrana


Renaissance palace.

The Ducal Palace of Pastrana was designed by Alonso de Covarrubias.

This is demonstrated by its doorway, which is a reproduction of the one on the Alcázar fortress in Toledo. This Renaissance building dates from the 16th century. It stands beside the walls of Pastrana, and has a parade ground at the front. The eastern tower, known as "the Chamber of the Golden Grille", was the site where the Princess of Eboli, Ana de Mendoza y de la Cerda, was held between 1581 and 1592 by order of Philip II.

Ducal Palace of Pastrana

Plaza de la Hora, s/n.

19100  Pastrana, Guadalajara  (Castilla-La Mancha)

Email:oficinadeturismo@pastrana.org Tel.:+34 949370672 Website:http://www.pastrana.org/
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