Ourense Provincial Archaeological Museum


History in sculptures

The museum is located in the 12th-century building of the old Episcopal Place, the best conserved example of the Romanesque civil style.

Its collection includes pieces dating from Palaeolithic times through to the current day. There is an interesting selection of items from the prehistoric era, the hill-fort culture and from Roman times. The section on hill-fort culture is particularly important thanks to its original collection of stone sculptures and 'guerreiros', or warriors. Other highlights include the funerary goods dating from the megalithic era and the select collection of Renaissance and Baroque sculpture. The museum premises are currently undergoing refurbishment, and the exhibition spaces are closed. However, the San Francisco exhibition room is hosting the exhibition entitled 'Sculpture Anthology', featuring sculptures and certain key elements of this museum, such as the figures known as the 'guerreiros galaicos' and Renaissance sculpture.  

Ourense Provincial Archaeological Museum

Rúa da Granxa, s/n

32005  Ourense, Orense, Ourense  (Galicia)

Email:mapour@xunta.es Tel.:+34 988 788 417 Tel.:+34 988 788 439 Website:http://www.musarqourense.xunta.es/es/
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