View of the inside of the Mundo Estrella Galicia (MEGA) Museum in A Coruña

Mundo Estrella Galicia (MEGA) Museum

A Coruña

The first museum in Spain dedicated to beer culture

This museum is housed within an operating brewery in A Coruña (Galicia) and invites visitors to touch, smell, see and feel its beer via different experiences.

It offers the opportunity to take a museographic journey through over a century of family brewing history and tradition, split into eight sections. During this journey, visitors find out about the history of beer from ancient times and the importance of the raw materials, and learn about the brewing processes used in their recipes, as well as bottling and marketing campaigns. Anyone who wishes to can visit the installations accompanied by a guide and join an introduction to tasting workshop. Guided tours, including beer-pouring experiences and cheese or conserve pairings, are also available, or visitors can combine their visit to the museum with other tours to get to know the city of A Coruña (there's even a tour set in 1906).

Mundo Estrella Galicia (MEGA) Museum

Oficina central Estrella Galicia

C/ Jose María Rivera Corral 6

15008  La Coruña, A Coruña  (Galicia)

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