Santa María Convent in Vallbona de Les Monges


The monastery belongs to the Cistercian order.Founded by Ramón Berenguer IV around 1173. The church has a Latin cross plan, with a single nave with an ogive vault.Over the transept there is 13th century dome base.The sanctuary has three rectangular chapels.Outside, the Romanesque facade is striking. It is decorated with archivolts, and offers a relief of the Virgin flanked by two angels in the tympanum.Inside there is a sarcophagus of Doña Violante, wife of Jaime I, and his daughter Doña Sancha. To the south of the church the cloister and its rooms can be found.As part of its rooms, the Chapter House rectangular in plan is worth a mention.

Santa María Convent in Vallbona de Les Monges

Calle Mayor s/n

25268  Vallbona de les Monges, Lleida  (Catalonia)

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