Santa María Monastery in Oia



Building on the Cistercian monastery began along the coast of the Baixo Miño, next to the fishing port of Oia in 1185, with the last of the building work taking place in the eighteenth century on the monastery's church. In 1230 this architectural work of art represented the ideal form of Cistercian Order edifices because of its ornamental simplicity. The only part of this monumental site that can be visited is the church, as the monastery is currently privately owned. The base of the building is Latin cross-shaped with three naves and a sanctuary with five staggered rectangular based small apses, an example of the French influence on the church's design. The transept is covered by barrel vaults, as is the case with the front chapels. The most striking element in the church's interior is its T-shaped pillars held down by stone steps.

Santa María Monastery in Oia

Carretera C-550, de Vigo a Bayona

36794  Arrabal, Oia, Pontevedra  (Galicia) Tel.:+34 986902453 Website: