Nosa Señora da Guía Shrine


The shrine dedicated to Nosa Señora da Guía started out as a project by architect Manuel Gómez Román in 1952, although it was not a new idea to build it at the top of Guía Mountain. The shrine is inspired by the Baroque style of Santiago de Compostela, and has two colonnades on the sides. The church has a basilican floor plan with a polygonal apse, built on a platform that extends over a wall. There is a statue of the Virgin Mary situated in one of its niches. The main entrance of the building stands out, with its straight gable, as does the large central tower.

Nosa Señora da Guía Shrine

Calle Doctor Corbal s/n

36207  Vigo, Pontevedra  (Galicia) Tel.:+34 986224757
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