San Marcos Monastery


A convent hospital for pilgrims

Nowadays it is a luxury Parador de Turismo. Part of the social life of the city is carried on in its rooms.

It was used as a hospital for the pilgrims on the Road to Santiago de Compostela. That is why some of the statues that appear on the Plateresque-style façade of the Convent of San Marcos, and some medallions, represent Jacobean motifs. A good number of the other statues exalt Carlos I's universal monarchy. The convent church has a Latin cross plan. The sacristy, the work of Juan de Badajoz el Mozo, has 3 starred vaults. Also his are the medallions decorating the Renaissance and Baroque cloister, where the floral decoration of Juan de Juni is also outstanding.

The Camino de Santiago

San Marcos Monastery

Plaza San Marcos s/n

24002  León  (Castilla y Leon) Tel.:+34 987237300
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