Convent of San Francisco (Morella)


This convent has the typical layout of all Franciscan monasteries. The three most important spaces are the cloister, the church, and the chapterhouse. The cloister, in the form of a ground floor arcade, forms a rectangle with trefoil arches on each side. The church has a single nave with side chapels. It originally had a hipped wooden roof supported by arches. The polygonal apse has a cross-vaulted ceiling. The chapterhouse, on a square plan, boasts one of the few extant examples of Gothic wall painting from the 1400-1425 period in the Region of Valencia, and depicts the Dance of Death.

Convent of San Francisco (Morella)

Calle Hospital, s/n.

12300  Morella, Castellón-Castelló  (Region of Valencia)

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