Convent of Las Carmelitas Descalzas

Convent of Las Carmelitas Descalzas


This building was bought by the Carmelite order in 1622 from Fernando Ruíz de Alarcón for the price of 975,000 maravedis. It stands at the highest part of the city above the Huécar river gorge, within a space which has been declared a World Heritage site by the UNESCO. It is occupied by the Antonio Pérez Foundation and includes an exhibition hall. It has a polygonal floor plan, and was twice remodelled during the 17th century: in 1624, by the master stonemason Juan de Celaya, and in 1651 under the orders of the master carpenter Pedro García and the master builder Antonio Velasco.

Convent of Las Carmelitas Descalzas

Ronda de Julián Romero, 18

16001  Cuenca  (Castilla-La Mancha)

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