Museum of Visigothic Councils and Culture


Visigoth art and culture

The museum contains treasures and replicas from this civilisation, which for centuries had its centre in Toledo.

The 13th-century Mudéjar church of San Román is the site of this museum which is dedicated to preserving and displaying the historic and artistic remains of the Visigoths, who made Toledo the capital of their kingdom. There are numerous archaeological pieces on display dating from the 6th-8th centuries, as well as paintings, documents and precious metalwork, funeral offerings from the Carpio de Tajo necropolis, and excellent replicas of the crowns from the Guarrazar treasure. The frescos that cover the walls of the church are Romanesque and date from the 13th century.

Museum of Visigothic Councils and Culture

Iglesia de San Román

Calle de San Román, s/n

45002  Toledo  (Castilla-La Mancha)

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