San Miguel Collegiate Church in Alfaro

La Rioja

It was declared a National Monument in 1976. It took more than a hundred years to build (16th-17th centuries. The idea was to make it look like a cathedral. The various storeys, with their pilasters, entablatures running round and the mouldings of the windows are determined by Classicist rules and all built of brick. The façade is entered by a sumptuous staircase which goes up to the Classicist façade, with its three entrances and a triumphal arch. Its towers, almost twins, have four bodies. Inside you can admire reredoses, among which the Main Reredos, with the image of Saint Michael, by Gregorio Fernández; the Central Reredos, of the Virgin of the Rosary; the chapel of San Ildefonso, with a magnificent image of “La Dolorosa”, and the chapel of San José, with a 13th century Gothic Christ, are outstanding.

San Miguel Collegiate Church in Alfaro

Plaza de España s/n

26540  Alfaro, La Rioja  (La Rioja) Tel.:+34 941180133 Website: