Santiago el Real Church

La Rioja

Located in the old town of Logroño, the Municipal Council would meet in this church and it was also the site where the most important Local Council documents were kept.

Building work began in 1513, and it has a nave with three sections and transept. The façade is 17th-century and was designed along the lines of a triumphal arch, decorated with two sculptures of the apostle Santiago: in one he is pictured wearing a pilgrim’s habit and in the other as a warrior on horseback. The church is next to Plaza de Santiago square. Here there is a unique “oca” (like snakes and ladders) board on the ground, with motifs related to the Way of Saint James.

The Camino de Santiago

Santiago el Real Church

Calle Barriocepo, 6

26001  Logroño, La Rioja  (La Rioja) Tel.:+34 941209501
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