Burgo de Osma Cathedral


The jewel of Osma

The original Romanesque church was commissioned by San Pedro de Osma, but an order was given for it to be destroyed in the 12th century in order to build a larger Gothic one, which is the building that has come down to the present day.

The cathedral forms part of a beautiful complex with the square of the same name. Some small chapels in the Romanesque style have been preserved. The main façade is flanked by a single tower, the construction of which was started in the Gothic style, and finished in the Baroque style. The interior contains artworks of great beauty and value, including the main altarpiece by Juan de Juni. The beautiful cloister is built in the flamboyant Gothic style. Attached to it is the Chapter Room with its square ground. Its interior holds a treasure of funerary art: the tomb of San Pedro de Osma, in carved polychrome limestone. This church is also home to the Liébana Beatus, a marvellous book that contains Romanesque-Mozarabic miniatures.

Burgo de Osma Cathedral

Plaza de la Catedral s/n

42300  Burgo de Osma, El, Burgo de Osma-Ciudad de Osma, Soria  (Castilla y Leon)

Email:turismo@catedralburgodeosma.com Tel.:+34 679476857 Tel.: +34 975360254 Website:https://www.catedralburgodeosma.com/
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