Atlantic Botanical Garden in Gijón

Atlantic Botanical Garden


The Gijón Atlantic Botanical Garden is a huge "museum" specialising in the flora and vegetation to be found in Atlantic areas. It covers almost 16 hectares, and visitors can discover these plants from a range of different perspectives: context, history, ecosystem function, human uses... Images, information panels, games, puppets, audio-guides and various interactive elements all help to achieve this end.

The Atlantic Botanical Garden also has a series of specialised themed areas: "Entorno Cantábrico" (the Cantabrian Environment), with major collections of flora from this part of northern Spain; "Factoría Vegetal" (Vegetable Factory), with different routes showing the various uses made of the plants; "Jardín de la Isla" (Island Garden), a historical, romantic area dating back more than 150 years with species from all over the world; "Itinerario Atlántico" (Atlantic Itinerary), a look at the predominant floral landscapes of the North Atlantic.

The Camino de Santiago

Atlantic Botanical Garden

Avenida del Jardín Botánico, 2230

33394  Gijón, Asturias  (Principality of Asturias)

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