Anaya Palace, Salamanca

Anaya Palace


Magnificent neoclassical palace.

The Palacio de Anaya was founded in 1762 and was built by José Hermosilla. The entire building is in neoclassical style, with the main façade standing out, featuring four large Ionic columns topped with a triangular pediment and a wide staircase. The interior has a courtyard with a double gallery featuring 16 Doric columns on the lower floor and 16 Ionic-composite columns in the upper gallery. The two floors of the building are connected by a magnificent imperial staircase on which there is a bust of Miguel de Unamuno. It is also known as Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé. It is currently the Faculty of Philology of the University of Salamanca.

Anaya Palace

Plaza de Anaya, s/n.

37008  Salamanca  (Castilla y Leon)

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