Fuentes Carrionas and Montaña Palentina Natural Park

Montaña Palentina Natural Park


The rugged source of the Carrión and Pisuerga rivers

This natural space is located in the province of Palencia and borders the province of Leon (both part of the region of Castile and Leon) and the region of Cantabria. It boasts an immense mountain range, with peaks of more than 2,500 metres high, and huge cliffs and deep valleys that harbour glacial lakes.

Two great rivers flow from these mountains: The Carrión and the Pisuerga. The first river springs from the steepest part of the mountain range and forms the Carrión Valley, where steep rocky slopes meet meadows covered with vegetation that change colour depending on the time of year. The second emerges from a softer landscape, with an abundance of beech and oak forests. Traditionally, it was said that this river had its source in the Cueva del Cobre, and that is why this nature reserve used to be called “Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre”.

In total, there are almost 80,000 protected hectares spread across ten municipalities: Velilla del Río Carrión, Aguilar de Campoo, San Cebrián de Mudá, La Pernía, Cervera de Pisuerga, Triollo, Polentinos, Brañosera, Castrejón de la Peña and Dehesa de Montejo.

ECST Natural Spaces

Montaña Palentina Natural Park

Cervera de Pisuerga, Palencia  (Castilla y Leon)

Type of area:Natural Park Area:78,360 hectares Email:cp.montanapalentina@patrimonionatural.org Tel.:+34 686 192 974 Tel.:+34 979 870 698 Tel.:+34 979 139 401 Website:Montaña Palentina Natural Park Website:Montaña Palentina Natural Park

Palencia (Castilla y Leon):

  • Aguilar de Campoo
  • Brañosera
  • Castrejón de la Peña
  • Dehesa de Montejo
  • Palencia
  • Pernía, La
  • Polentinos
  • San Cebrián de Mudá
  • Triollo
  • Velilla del Río Carrión
Useful information

What you need to know

  • Cultural information

    The area where the Park is located, in the north of Palencia, is home to one of the most important collections of Romanesque art in the world. It is precisely in the city of Palencia that the well-known Romanesque Route of Palencia begins, which showcases the rich medieval heritage that flourished in the area along the Camino de Santiago, with more than fifty buildings still preserved intact.

  • Environmental information

    The Park has enormous natural, scenic, wildlife and botanical value. In terms of fauna, it is a haven for the brown bear, but you will also find wood grouse, wolves, deer, otters and more. In terms of vegetation, there is an abundance of birch, beech, holly oak and Spanish oak groves. Its relief is made up of hard, tightly packed mountain limestone.

  • Information for visits

    Access to the Park may be restricted between February and June due to the brown bear breeding season; it is best to check before visiting the Park during these months.The park is located an hour and a half from Santander airport and two from Valladolid airport. The first has connections with Madrid, Barcelona and the main European capitals; the second has flights to Barcelona, ​​Paris and Brussels. By road, you can get there on the N-621 and N-627 from Cantabria, and from Palencia on the N-611 to Aguilar de Campoo and then the P-212 to Cervera de Pisuerga, where you will find the Casa del Parque, a place for visitors to get all kinds of information about the park. You can also go to the tourist offices in the municipalities of the surrounding area.