Bird of prey exhibition

Tierra Rapaz nature theme park

La Rioja

Tierra Rapaz is the best place to find our more about birds of prey, located near Calahorra (La Rioja), where you can even have them perched in your own hand.

Tierra Rapaz is an international benchmark and well known for its bird flight demonstrations, offering varied displays of both daytime birds of prey (eagles, hawks, vultures, white-tailed kites, Egyptian vultures, Egyptian vultures, caracaras, eagles, etc.) and night birds (owls, etc.). As part of the activity, the visitor can hold a falcon on their arm, touch it and have their photo taken with it.  Visitors will also take a tour of the incubation rooms and aviaries, the Tierra Rapaz school farm and the spot dedicated to the African savannah, where other animals live, such as zebras, antelopes, meerkats, porcupines, ostriches, among others. Tierra Rapaz is also a shelter and care centre for birds that are considered incapable of living in freedom and that can be sponsored.

Tierra Rapaz nature theme park

Carretera Calahorra-Rincón de Soto, cerca del santuario del Carmen

26500  Calahorra, La Rioja  (La Rioja) Tel.:+34 660 969 928 Website: