What are the most traditional local specialities in Spain?
Every place you go will have its own local dishes. The most famous is probably paella (originally from the region of Valencia), and the most popular tapa in the country could be tortilla de patatas – potato omelette.The best-known casserole-type dishes include cocido and fabada. Tender roast meats are popular, such as cochinillo (suckling pig) and lamb, known as ternasco in Aragon and cordero elsewhere. Some of the most notable seafood dishes include the little fried fishes or pescaíto frito of southern Spain, and pulpo a la gallega – octopus with paprika from the northern region of Galicia. If you’re visiting in summer, a refreshing gazpacho or salmorejo is a must. And the most traditional holidays, Christmas and Easter Week, also have special delicacies for the occasion.You can see some of the most popular recipes here, and find out a bit more about the regional cuisine of each area.