Office of Charles V, Monastery of Yuste

Charles V Route: The last trip


A royal route through three Spanish regions

The idea is to revive an important chapter in the history of Spain in the 16th century: The last trip that Charles I of Spain and V of Germany made before dying. The route covers approximately 550 kilometres, from the port of Laredo (Cantabria), in northern Spain, to the Monastery of Yuste (Extremadura).

A historical route.

Cantabria, Castille and León and Extremadura are the three regions of this historic journey, and they conserve a significant amount of built heritage from the period. We can turn from the history books to the road to see some of the towns and villages the monarch visited on this last journey to his place of retirement.The traveler himself chooses where to stop and for how long. The route takes in Laredo (Cantabria), passes through Medina de Pomar (Burgos), Burgos, Venta de Baños (Palencia), Valladolid, Medina del Campo (Valladolid), Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca), El Barco de Ávila (Ávila) and Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres), finishing in Cuacos de Yuste, which is also in the province of Cáceres in Extremadura.     

Burgos cathedral –interior

Starting from the Cantabrian Sea

Emperor Charles V arrived by sea at the port of Laredo in Cantabria in 1556. This coastal town is dominated by La Salvé beach, the scale of which – stretching over 4 kilometres - helps you picture the emperor's historic landing with more than 50 ships. Laredo has a historic quarter and city walls well worth a visit, as well as a bust in honour of the monarch. At the end of September, for its fiesta of the ‘Last landing of Charles V’, the locals wear period costume for a parade to commemorate the event.The first stop in Castille and León, just 60 kilometres away, is Medina de Pomar, a medieval town with an impressive 14th century castle, the Alcázar de los Velasco. The city of Burgos, about 100 kilometers away, brings together three essential monuments: The Cathedral, declared World Heritage by UNESCO, the Royal Monastery of Las Huelgas and the Arch of Santa María, which precisely represents the figure of Charles V.

Re-enactment of the last landing of Charles V

Another 90 kilometres brings us to Venta de Baños (Palencia), with a Visigothic basilica worth a visit. Valladolid, just 37 kilometres away, is a city with harmonious surroundings, ideal for a quiet, relaxing walk.We also recommend the historic town centre of Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca) and the view of the river Tormes from the castle of Barco de Ávila. The objective is to end the route taking in the beauty of the Monastery of Yuste in Extremadura and the attached palace, where Charles V chose to spend his last days.

A taste of each territory

Another good reason to take this Imperial journey is the culinary wealth of each stop. The Route of Charles V offers a good sampling of the diversity of Spanish cooking.

Pork loin, baked fish and French toast

The baked fish of the Cantabrian coast, the hearty stews and meat dishes of Castile and Leon (beans and blood pudding from Burgos; ribs of beef from Ávila, etc.) and the unique taste of migas (fried breadcrumbs) and lamb stew in Extremadura, an area known for its excellent Iberian ham, as is the province of Salamanca… Many different cheeses, wines from Ribera del Duero and a range of traditional desserts (puff pastry loops, candied egg yolks, French toast, fried milk, etc.) to sweeten the journey.We already have a few reasons to 'embark' on the revival of the Route of Charles V with the advantages of the 21st century.

Room of Charles V, Monastery of Yuste