A landscape sculpted by timeDivided into two types of scenery, Bardena Blanca and Bardena Negra, the nature reserve features stunning contrasts. On one hand, the casts and clays of an almost-lunar landscape form Bardena Blanca, with its characteristic ravines and summits topped by enormous stones, known locally as heads, like the Castildetierra, the Friar and the Cortinillas. On the other, is the greener Bardena Negra, whose Aleppo pine forests, reflecting the natural diversity available here, await you.In total, there are 700 km of paths for you to hike or cycle, which offer you the chance to discover scenery you won't find anywhere else. Routes like the Gran Bardena, which at almost 70 km long, is a great way of challenging yourself physically while still enjoying the scenery surrounding you. Although there are more accessible options. For example the Landazuria, at only 14 km long, is a great chance to explore Bardena Blanca without getting off your bicycle.

A quirk of nature, forming incredible countryside, awaits you in the south east of Navarre. Classified as a World Biosphere Reserve, Bardenas Reales will astound you with its semi-desert landscapes. Forged by water, wind and sun, Bardenas Reales is a unique environment for enjoying nature, sport, or just the peace and quiet.
From Navarre to the silver screen.When you arrive, you might feel like you've been here before. It's not surprising; Bardenas Reales has featured in many well-known cinema and television productions. Series like Game of Thrones and films like The Counselor and The world is not enough were inspired by these scenes enough to recreate some of them on set. But don't worry... there are no dragons here.What you will find if you look up though, is a hundred different bird species that inhabit Bardenas, like the eagle owl, the Egyptian vulture and the griffon vulture. One recommendation: take your binoculars to Punta de la Negra, the highest part of the nature reserve, and discover the shelters that these animals build.

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