Motorbike on the motorway

Motorbike routes through Andalusian landscapes


We propose 5 routes perfect for travelling through Andalusia on a motorcycle. These ideas are a different and rural type of tourism which reveal the beautiful natural landscapes the south of Spain has to offer. If you are a fan of motorcycling you will love these roads, which connect small villages and provide amazing views. And if you have never experienced this type of tourism, these itineraries will show you the freedom of travelling on a motorbike.

Motorcycle route through the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, in Huelva

Distance: around 175 kilometres.When to go: Autumn and spring are the best times.A great route to get to know the natural environment of the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, which encompasses municipalities such as Aroche, Cumbres Mayores, Santa Olalla del Cala, Aracena, Alájar and Fuenteheridos. These small villages are full of white houses and narrow streets which are great to pass through. Along the route you will also come across several castles such as the ones in Cortegana, Aracena and Cumbres Mayores. The Gruta de las Maravillas in Aracena is a can't-miss. When it’s time for lunch, take the opportunity to try the famous Jabugo ham.Most of the route is along the N-433 and A-434 motorway. You will pass by a number of pastureland where pigs live in semi-freedom, and a natural environment rich in fauna. The views from the Zufre reservoir and views of the Tugóbriga site are impressive.

Motorcyclist on a mountain road

Motorbike route along the Costa de la Luz, Cadiz

Distance: about 70 kilometres.When to go: autumn, summer and spring are the best seasons.We suggest a route between Tarifa and Los Caños de Meca. It is the southernmost area of Spain and from the road you can see Africa on the horizon. To take in these views we recommend stopping at the Mirador del Estrecho (just 7 kilometres from Tarifa).The itinerary runs partly inland, along the N-340 highway, and continues along the coast from Zahara de los Atunes to Los Caños de Meca. The enormous fine golden sand beaches stand out. They are full of life in summer and very calm the rest of the year. Among them, those of Bolonia, Zahara de los Atunes, los Alemanes, Los Caños de Meca or Valdevaqueros stand out.Particularly interesting places to visit include the important Baelo Claudia, on Bolonia beach; and La Breña y Marismas, where you can see traditional fish salting. The Almadraba tuna is typical of this region.

Strait of Gibraltar, Tarifa

Motorbike route through the Sierra Morena, Cordoba

Distance: around 200 kilometres.When to go: Autumn and spring are the best times.Along this route you will discover eight whitewashed villages sheltering in the Sierra Morena mountains. The route, mainly along the A-3075 and N-432 roads, crosses beautiful natural landscapes and enters land of cliffs, wide pastures, river crossings and habitats of numerous fauna. This route connects the villages of Hornachuelos, Villaviciosa de Córdoba, Villanueva del Rey, Espiel, Villaharta, Obejo, Adamuz and Montoro, and may take about five hours of driving.The area is also known for its game dishes and Iberian ham. Interesting cultural visits include the megalithic tombs at the Mina de don Juan (Puertocacho) and the Cerro del Ermitaño (Villanueva del Rey) archaeological site.

Motorcyclist on the route

Motorbike route through the Alpujarra, Granada

Distance: around 175 kilometres.When to go: Autumn, spring and summer are the best times.An itinerary of extraordinary panoramic views among the mountains, which descend towards the Costa Tropical in Granada. It crosses Sierra Nevada and runs through an area renowned for its springs and hot springs, the mountainous Alpujarra. The route connects Guadix and Dúrcal, passing through white villages in the mountains such as Bubión, Capileira and Pampanería. Guadix, Trévelez and Lanjarón stand out. Guadix has cave houses which are well worth a visit. Trévelez is one of the highest towns in Spain, and one of the best Iberian hams is produced there. Lanjarón is commonly known as “the water town” because of its springs and its attraction as a tourism destination for health and well-being.The route is mainly along the A-337 and A-348 motorways and requires about four hours of driving. Remember that the roads are mountain passes, which often see snow in winter.

View of Trévelez, Granada

Motorbike route in Cabo de Gata, Almeria

Distance: about 115 kilometres.When to go: autumn, summer and spring are the best seasons.Did you know that Almería is the province of Spain with the most hours of sunlight per year? This is another reason to travel along its roads to discover a seemingly deserted landscape that actually has valleys, canyons and cliffs overlooking the sea. You will find small beach oases like at Mónsul, or villages with white houses and sea views such as San José or Agua Amarga. In the Las Negras area there is an abundance of coves which have very few tourists.The route connects Almería, Cabo de Gata, San José, Las Negras and Carboneras. The most interior part of the route is along the A-7 motorway, while the part closest to the sea is along regional roads. 

Motorcyclist at sunset