Church and castle in Atienza



Atienza dates back to prehistoric times. This medieval town retains the distinct urban layout and architectural flavour of when it used to function as a strategic frontier between Christian and Moorish lands. Its historic quarter has the Property of Cultural Interest designation.

The clearest evidence of its military and frontier past are the walls that surround it (11th-13th centuries) and the ruins of the castle (12th century), with its keep and various fortified towers and gates.

When it comes to religious architecture, several Romanesque temples have been partly preserved: those of the Santísima Trinidad (1200, 15th-18th centuries), San Bartolomé (mid-12th century-16th century), San Gil (13th-16th centuries) and Nuestra Señora del Val (12th-16th centuries). Other religious buildings include the archpriestly church of San Juan (Gothic-Renaissance, 15th-16th centuries), the church of Santa María del Rey (16th century) and the convent of San Francisco (Gothic, late 14th century).Meanwhile, the Casa del Cordón (Gothic, 15th century) and the hospital or convent of Santa Ana (18th century) are excellent examples of civil architecture, as are the magnificent mansions dating back to the 16th century.

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