The Way of Saint James
One Camino, thousands of experiences
An interest in culture, a personal challenge, contact with nature, a spiritual journey… There are as many reasons for taking the Way as there are pilgrims. Whatever the reason, it’s sure to be an experience worth doing at least once in your life. Thousands of people each year discover the diversity of Spain on Saint James’ Way. Many of them come back and do it again. The Jacobean pilgrimage route is a fascinating journey to Santiago de Compostela, with the opportunity to admire imposing heritage buildings, explore varied landscapes, enjoy delicious local cuisine, and visit cities and destinations steeped in history. The are different ways to do it: on foot, by bicycle, on horseback… Choose your option and enjoy the experience in the way that best suits you.
Discover the routes of the Camino de Santiago
Choose a route to see the map and the main stops.
Discover the routes of the Camino de Santiago
Unusual ways to travel The Way of Saint James
Experience the Camino
In images