Bull and horse droving in Segorbe

Segorbe Patron Saint's Day Fiestas

Festivity of National Tourist Interest

The fiesta includes an extensive programme with a range of cultural, recreational and sporting activities.

Segorbe , in the province of Castellón, celebrates its patron saint's day festivities, in honour of Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza, de Loreto y de la Cueva Santa, between August and September. These celebrations anticipate the Entrance of Bulls and Horses festivities, which are held a few days later and have the International Tourist Interest designation.

The most noteworthy points in the patron saint's day festivities come with the presentation of the Queens of the fiesta, the offering to the Virgen de la Cueva Santa, and the pilgrimage to La Esperanza shrine. Fireworks, open-air parties, concerts, contests, sporting competitions, exhibitions, street entertainment with brass bands, theatre performances and shows by different folk groups make up the rest of the fiesta celebrations.

Segorbe Patron Saint's Day Fiestas

Calle Marcelino Blasco, 0,

12400  Segorbe, Castellón-Castelló  (Region of Valencia)

Email:turismo@segorbe.es Tel.:+34 964713254 Website:http://www.turismo.segorbe.es/

* To be confirmed

Pending confirmation 2012.

* Information may be subject to modifications

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