The famous Ambaixades (symbolic representation of the clash of two cultures that led to brotherhood between the two sides) at the Festival of Moors and Christians in Ontinyent

Moors and Christians festival in Ontinyent

Festivity of International Tourist Interest

Every year since 1860 the town of Ontinyent, in Valencia, commemorates the Christian conquest of the town from the Muslim troops.

The streets of Ontinyent come alive with festive high spirits, colour and music in this dramatised recreation of the Christian conquest of the town by Jaime I in the 13th century. The festivities take place at the end of August, and the whole town takes part on one or the other sides (in the role of either Moors or Christians) and re-enact key events such as the entry into the city, parades by both sides, and the reception of the troops by their embassies.

Moors and Christians festival in Ontinyent

Ontinyent, Valencia-València  (Region of Valencia)