Eduardo Chillida with Tribute to Balenciaga, 1990

Chillida and Balenciaga. Playing form

Exhibition - Sculpture,Fashion

Eduardo Chillida and Cristóbal Balenciaga share biographical, formal and philosophical links, despite the three decades that separate their lives and their disciplines of choice.

Between San Sebastián and Paris, there are meeting points around people like Juana Eguren, Pilar Belzunce or the Maeght couple. Observing their works, other confluences can be guessed: studies in space, enveloping geometries, superposition, the forming of material subordinated to form and a common philosophy of rigour, harmony and proportion.In 1990, Eduardo Chillida created the sculpture “Homage to Balenciaga” within a series that he dedicated to people he admired. Starting from this work, the exhibition displays a formal meeting of 42 works by both creators.

Chillida and Balenciaga. Playing form

Cristóbal Balenciaga Museum

Aldamar Parkea, 6

20808  Getaria, Gipuzkoa  (Basque Country)